The term “Post Partum” refers to the period immediately following childbirth, when the mother’s body is no longer pregnant. It is also known as the “puerperium,” or immediate postpartum. During this time, the body reverts to its previous non-pregnant state. The term postpartum can be a confusing one, so it’s good to have a little background information.
A woman’s feelings may be influenced by many things, including unplanned pregnancy, unplanned conception, and a sick baby. She may also experience feelings of anger, sadness, and guilt when she learns that her baby is unwell. These negative emotions may affect her self-esteem. Postpartum depression can also be triggered by traumatic life events, such as divorce, a major job loss, or a difficult relationship with her partner.
The Post Partum period begins after childbirth, and lasts between six and 40 days. In addition to a doctor’s visit every four weeks, breastfeeding mothers need at least three postpartum visits. These visits can also include a visit to a lactation specialist. The postpartum period is an important time for new parents, as it is a crucial time for a mother’s physical and mental state to adjust to life with a newborn.
The first symptoms of postpartum depression typically set in two to three days after childbirth. Women may feel fatigued, angry, and depressed. Some may even begin to cry uncontrollably or start questioning their ability to care for their newborn. While this type of depression usually subsides on its own, more severe cases may appear one year after giving birth. Therefore, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible if you suspect that you might be suffering from postpartum depression.